CheckFolio organized and eco friendly

Harland Clarke CheckFolio® Creative Portal

Harland Clarke CheckFolio® CreativePortal
Thank you for allowing us to assist in the design of your new Custom On-Demand CheckFolio®. If you have any questions regarding your project or this form, please contact  Jim Sewell or Shawn Oborne.

Click to Download Creative Resource Forms

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CheckFolio® Creative
Pricing Guide

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Creative Work Order

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Creative Samples

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Fully Custom
Creative Work Order

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Fully Custom
Creative Samples

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Creative Template

Overall CheckFolio Process:

  1. Enter your new On-Demand CheckFolio opportunity in Pivotal.

  2. Share the Creative Work Order (CWO) and Quick-to-Market samples with the client.

    • This will allow the Client to review the available service tier options in detail so they can initial their choice of Quick-to-Market, Brand Integration, or Fully Custom on the CheckFolio Work Order (contract).
  3. When you’re ready to close the sale, submit a Quote Request through the Pivotal Quote Request process.

    • You will get a CheckFolio Work Order (contract) with creative design, setup, and per-CheckFolio pricing.
    • If the client wants more than one CheckFolio, they will need to provide a completed CWO for each.
  4. Once the CheckFolio Work Order (contract) is signed, update Pivotal to “SOLD.”

CREATIVE SERVICES Checkfolio Process and Timing:

If the Client wants to use the custom spec creative provided by Marketing Services, you must mark the corresponding check box on the Custom On-Demand CheckFolio® CWO.
NOTE: Choosing this option will allow the Client to make minor changes to the design; however, they will be charged the Custom Creative Design fee.

5. Confirm client’s direction for the CheckFolio design.

  • After confirming that the client has completed the required CWO form and has provided ALL of the other requested  materials, the information must be sent to  Jim Sewell at
CheckFolio organized and eco friendly

Account Managers are responsible for sending the artwork links to the correct departments for printing

PRODUCTION Process and Timing:

6. When design is complete (and art files have been provided by HC Creative Services or the client):

The Account Executive provides the Account Manager with the following:

  • Client-approved artwork and signed CheckFolio Work Order (contract)
  • Indication of how the custom CheckFolio will be driven, i.e., TR, products (all or specific), branches (all or specific)

7. Account Manager submits SPEQs request.

Print production timing:

8. Contract Proofing: A color proof is produced using an Epson printer, which is set to simulate output of the CheckFolio printer. This is printed on proofer paper and not CheckFolio stock. After reviewing, the Client may come back with color adjustments. Once approved, PrePress uploads the art to the print server and coordinates with the CQSS group. It is now ready for production.

Production Stage: A full package (CheckFolio stock, checks, etc.) is sent to the account team. This package may be sent to the Client for his/her records.

service request
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